
Amanda moved to Nashville three years ago from Los Angeles with her hubs (Jason) to start the baby-making process closer to his Southern-large family in Florida. Their zoo is now complete (?) with a dog, two cats, and a toddler (Mixon). She works at home in East Nashville where she writes and produces web shows (for money) and young adult fiction (for love and possible future money). She loves this small big town—especially when the fireflies and cardinals come out. Amanda gets stupidly excited about books, cool breezes on hot days, and anything that makes her son laugh with his whole body.

Hidden Veggies: Stirring Up Lies in the Kitchen

I have been obsessed with what my kid is eating/not eating for his entire life. First, it was how much milk he was drinking. Then, it was whether he was drinking too much milk and...

How My Kid Kicked Me Out of the House

For the first thirty years of my life, I was what most people would call a hermit. I wasn't at a clinical level of weird, but I enjoyed the trappings of home, the ease...

Top Ten Cloth Diaper Hacks

People have a ton of reasons for going cloth. They're better for the environment, and there are potentially harmful chemicals in disposable diapers. Some say cloth is more comfortable—though I don't know how they know that. Others...

Five Tips for Increasing Milk Supply

Let's start this post with a disclaimer... I'm told that for some moms, breastfeeding is a natural, beautiful process that inspires feelings of joy and bonding and thoughts of puppies and butterflies. I suspect these are mythical...

Fatherhood & Marriage: Parenting vs Babysitting

"I don't like babysitting," my dear husband said about a month into our new lives as parents. There was a schedule change, and he had to spend a few unexpected hours watching our infant solo. It...

Teach Your Parents Well…

I'm ready to call it. I will not buy any more 'How to Be a Parent' books. They are worthless. Trends come and go, I'm busy, and no one knows how to parent my...