Tag: life lessons

10 Ways Your Kids Can Participate in #GivingTuesday

According to Volunteer #GivingTuesday is a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration. Celebrated on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving...
teaching children gratitude volunteer thankful parenting Nashville Moms Blog learning giving

Teaching Children Gratitude

A sign hangs in our kitchen that says "Be Grateful." A simple statement, but loaded with meaning. I search for ways to teach my children gratitude —...

Harry Potter and The Life Lessons

In honor of the release of Harry Potter and The Cursed Child, I wanted to share some life lessons I think are to be...

I Get By with a Lot of Help from My Mom...

A few months ago, I had to go to the emergency room. As with all medical crises (at least in my life), everything went down...

Life Lessons from Pokemon Go

If you're like me, an 80's or 90's kid, you remember when Pokemon first aired. You know the theme song (and nearly all of...
holding hands children including others Nashville Moms Blog

The Importance of Teaching Our Children about Including Others

Six years ago, when my daughter was still safely hidden from the world in my body, our birthing class instructor asked us a question. I...

Are You Teaching Your Kids to Trust Themselves?

Do you have one thing, one event, one person that you know has changed the course of your life? I'm sure some of us...

This Mother’s Day — I Want to Be Just Like My...

My son recently started saying “you’re my hero” when his father or I do something to help him. Zip his coat… help push his...

Lingering Negative Body Image and the Postpartum Struggle

All throughout high school, I was a solid size 0 or 2 thanks to being a competitive dancer since the age of 11, and...

We Quit Youth Soccer — and We’re Not Going Back

I remember that before I became a mom I could be caught rolling my eyes at the soccer field near my parents' house filled with...