Tag: motherhood

In Defense of Playing Hooky

"When can we have a Mom and Nathan Day?" My son's question—and his big brown pleading eyes—stopped me short as I made breakfast on a...

Teaching my Daughter Not to be an “Easy Target” for Bullying

Growing up, I was bullied a bit. Not terribly, but more than I would've liked. Because in all honestly, does anyone actually want to...
goodbye kindergartner parenting motherhood momlife kids new school

Tips for Making Saying Goodbye to Your Kindergartner Easier

Dear Parent of A New Kindergartner, I was you last year. I know how you feel. You are the mom who is telling yourself, "This is...
life after maternity leave tips working mom Nashville Moms Blog

Six Tips for Life After Maternity Leave

It’s no secret that the United States is way behind the curve when it comes to maternity leave. Without paid leave policies in place,...

Favorite Movies from Childhood That I Can’t Wait to Share with...

I know there is no shortage of kid's movies or television shows these days. I love the positive messages and diversity that shows and...

Turns Out, I’m Doing Alright (Stop Telling Me Otherwise!)

Every day, I open my computer, look at my Facebook feed, and see several articles letting me know about the "secret" failures that we...

Aiding in the Fight with Depression

We’ve all seen the internet memes about how to help someone with depression. I'm taking this opportunity to turn those memes into a totally...

The Cardinal Rules for Visiting a New Mom

One of my best friends recently became a mom for the first time. Seeing her adjust to motherhood—quite flawlessly I might add—and discussing both...
organized tips working mom kids bags life busy

Tips for the Transition from Stay at Home to Full-Time Working...

As a military spouse, circumstances allowed for me to stay at home for the first year of my son’s life. We moved to Kansas at 36...

When Your Kid Looks Nothing Like You

I grew up in the same small town that in which my mom was raised. Same church, same school, same teachers. I also happened...