Tag: toddler

How to Talk to Kids About a Deceased Loved One They...

My dad was the best dad. And I don’t say that lightly. So when he passed away unexpectedly my sophomore year of college, it...

St. Patrick’s Day Fun With Green Eggs And Ham

Growing up my mom always celebrated St. Patrick’s Day by making green eggs and ham for breakfast. While we were consuming all those green eggs,...

How to Survive Flying with your Toddler

Flying with a toddler. Four words that probably strike fear into the hearts of most parents. Well, having flown with my soon-to-be three year old...

Speech Therapy Moms: Somewhere in the Middle

“Monday and Wednesday mornings are out for us,” I tell my friends as we stare at our calendars, hoping to find a little time...

The Truth About Potty Training

Potty Training. I’m pretty sure it’s how I die. If you haven’t had young kids for a while (or you're not yet to this...
sensory sensitive

Sensory Sensitive Friendly Activities for Littles in Nashville

If your kid is like mine, it's a mixed bag. One day you have this magical 24 hours where you can go anywhere, do...

Breaking Down the Preschool Decision

In a few months, just after his third birthday, my son Mixon will begin attending his fourth preschool. Four schools in three years. Well, two...

Totally Easy Toddler Bed Transition

We decided to transition our daughter out of her crib into a toddler bed well before she turned two. It was my husband's idea,...

5 Tips for Traveling with a Toddler – And Retaining Your...

Traveling with a toddler or small child is no easy feat. To help, we've put together five tips to get you on your way to making everything...

10 Things I Hate About Preschool

Pretty soon, my two year old will begin his third preschool. That's correct. His number of schools experienced is more than the number of...