Tag: toddlers

Find it at the Library: Must-Read Picture Books to Shake Up...

We all know the benefits of reading with your kiddos, but here's one more article to convince you of that fact. :) I know...

Things No One Told Me About Having Kids 

Eleven years ago we rescued a tiny puppy and called him our baby. We thought he would be good training for becoming parents one...

I’m Not Mean…I’m Just Mom.

Tucker was being particularly naughty that morning: whining, endlessly antagonizing, and recklessly wearing his sassy pants.  Our words flew between us, his picking up...

Curious Kid? Cultivate Kindness!

"Mama, is this one still beautiful?"  My son held up a brown Magnolia leaf. Peppered with yellow and red, the leaf was marred with...

Keeping a Clean House AND Your Sanity — While Moving with...

The process of moving is one of the more stressful things a person can experience in their lifetime. Doing this with toddlers in your...

Medicine Cabinet Must-Haves

We've all been there. It's 2 am, and supernatural mama-senses jolt you awake. A bit confused by the rude awakening, you hear the faint...

Dads are Different — and That’s Okay!

I certainly don’t claim to be an expert on parenting. But this I do know for certain: moms and dads are vastly different.  Naturally,...

Creating One-on-One Time with Kids

I don’t think anyone can argue that motherhood isn’t busy. We mommas take care of our kiddos all day long in some form or...

3 Kids In 3 Years…And I Love It!

  When I was younger…pre-kids era, I used to think that I would have three or four children that were spaced two to three years...

Do You Have A Mom Mentor? 

You’ve heard it takes a village, right? Well, it may not take a very big village. But we all need help from time to...