Ashleigh Franks

Ashleigh Franks
I Am Tough — But I Need You

I Am Tough — But I Need You

I grew up believing I did not need anyone and I prided myself on being able to do everything by myself. Quite possibly the default of being raised by a single mom, I was...

Find The Spirit Of Christmas – Create A Kindness Advent

Christmas is the most magical time of the year — especially with children! The season has easily gotten away from me in the past. I get wrapped up in buying gifts and making travel...

Mothers Should Not Have To Struggle With Mental Health Alone

The changes that motherhood brings to our minds and bodies are intense. The hormone fluctuations, sleep deprivation, and physical stress can bring on a whole new and unanticipated set of problems. All of these...

We Will Fail Our Children Somewhere

Endless worry, planning, care and love goes into parenting everyday but don't be fooled, we will fail our children somewhere. As I sit around and talk to other parents the lists of concerns could...

Stop Comparing Yourself To Other Mothers

It can be so hard to be comfortable in your own skin. It is so easy to get wrapped up in the appearance of other families and moms. While I may appear confident on...

New Thanksgiving Traditions: Teaching Children Thankfulness

Teaching our kids to be thankful is very important in our house. Thankfulness is something that can be taught no matter the age of your children. We try to give them the tools to...

Bring Your Kids With You To Vote!

Politics are always a hot button subject, and the agitation in this country seems to grow daily. The only thing we can all agree on, no matter our political views, is that voting is...

Technology is Making Me an Absent Mother, Wife, and Friend

Technology is wonderful and most of us couldn't imagine our lives without it. But I also realize how quickly it allows me to be absent from the world around me. Especially absent from the...

My Son Is My Mirror – I Don’t Like What I See

He looked up at me with a face full of anger, tears and frustration. His sweet face contorted in a way I had never seen before. Where did this come from? Then I recognized...

Nashville’s Transient Vibe is Killing My Mom Tribe

In those early days of motherhood be found each other. Its like I won the lottery, to find this random group of ladies that I actually wanted to be around. All of us bringing...