Tag: babies

When You Want Another Baby . . . And He Doesn't

When You Want Another Baby . . . And He Doesn’t

You're supposed to compromise in marriage, but how do you find middle ground when you want another baby and your partner doesn't? It's a life-altering decision...

What Happened When Mommy Tried the Keto Diet . . .

I want to share a little snippet into the beginning of my journey to become the best version of myself with help from the...

Find it at the Library: Must-Read Picture Books to Shake Up...

We all know the benefits of reading with your kiddos, but here's one more article to convince you of that fact. :) I know...

Things No One Told Me About Having Kids 

Eleven years ago we rescued a tiny puppy and called him our baby. We thought he would be good training for becoming parents one...

Being A Volunteer in the “Volunteer State”

The truth? My now four year old will be able to go to whichever college she chooses after she graduates high school. I would...

I’m Not Mean…I’m Just Mom.

Tucker was being particularly naughty that morning: whining, endlessly antagonizing, and recklessly wearing his sassy pants.  Our words flew between us, his picking up...

Titan Up! It’s Game Day — Tips for Tailgating with Your...

It did not take us long to figure out that tailgating is a time-honored tradition throughout the South. (I have to admit that until...

My Dad’s Death Shaped My Parenting Philosophy

I can still remember the last phone conversation I had with my dad. I was a sophomore in college and talked to my parents...

Medicine Cabinet Must-Haves

We've all been there. It's 2 am, and supernatural mama-senses jolt you awake. A bit confused by the rude awakening, you hear the faint...

Dads are Different — and That’s Okay!

I certainly don’t claim to be an expert on parenting. But this I do know for certain: moms and dads are vastly different.  Naturally,...