Tag: life lessons

homeschool my kindergartener homeschooling mom kids Nashville Moms Blog

Why I Chose To Homeschool My Kindergartner

Let’s start this post by saying that my intention is not to bash other educational options besides homeschooling. Instead, I want to shed light...

How to Talk to Kids About a Deceased Loved One They...

My dad was the best dad. And I don’t say that lightly. So when he passed away unexpectedly my sophomore year of college, it...

5 Ways to Help a Friend Grieving Miscarriage, Infertility, or Infant...

“I'm sorry, but your pregnancy won't last.” The doctor’s words echoed in my ears after I put down the phone. The pain hit hard...

Read Across America — Ways to Celebrate

Read Across America was created as a way to motivate kids to get their nose in a book and read. The annual event is...

When Good Enough (Not Great) Is Really Enough

Me? I’m a typical first-born. I find a huge amount of satisfaction in crossing things off my to-do list. I follow directions (to a T),...

The Guilt of Grieving the Life I Thought I Wanted

I met my husband in the middle of my junior year of college and completely blew off all of his attempts to hit on...

Something’s Gotta Give! Living Life in the Chaos of Reality

Over the weekend, I discovered an unused block of mozzarella cheese tucked in behind the resealable sandwich bags.  A few minutes later, my husband...

Giving Her Room to Fall

Of my two children, my daughter Ellie is the wild one. Her big brother? He is laidback and even-tempered. He’s energetic, but cautious. I...

Everything Will Be Perfect When . . .

I’m not exactly sure when that sentence started to dominate my life.  The earliest time I remember it really becoming prominent in my inner...

Family Reboot — When Your Family Needs a Fresh Start

My children and I recently went through a few weeks in which fighting and unkind words reigned. All relationships in our home were strained....