Tag: motherhood

How I Became More Grateful

If you look at social media for more than a few minutes, you will probably see at least five people complaining about something —...

What Happened When Mommy Tried the Keto Diet . . .

I want to share a little snippet into the beginning of my journey to become the best version of myself with help from the...

14 Ways To Thank Your Mom Tribe

NERD ALERT: John Donne is one of my favorite poets. He was funny, poignant, honest, and a bit cheeky at times. He helped remind...

We Will Fail Our Children Somewhere

Endless worry, planning, care and love goes into parenting everyday but don't be fooled, we will fail our children somewhere. As I sit around...

5 Tips To Help You Stick To Your New Year’s Resolutions

You've been here before.  A new year, a new you! Excited by the thought of a clean slate, you're going to finally lose those 20...

Things No One Told Me About Having Kids 

Eleven years ago we rescued a tiny puppy and called him our baby. We thought he would be good training for becoming parents one...

Tips and Tricks for Keeping Your Kids Busy –– So You...

  I know I’m not the only mom who struggles to get things done with little kids underfoot. You’ve probably seen that Pinterest quote image:...

Being A Volunteer in the “Volunteer State”

The truth? My now four year old will be able to go to whichever college she chooses after she graduates high school. I would...

Back in the Day — a Memo for My Boys

After an epic toddler melt down the other day, which included screaming, food throwing, and a naked three year old rolling around on my...

You Might Be A Judgey Mom If . . .

Seen all the memes, videos, and posts about the "judgey mom" and worry that you might be one? Well, because we are so very...